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Welcome to my blog! I’m so grateful you’re here.
Let me share a little about myself before diving into what you can expect from this space, which I lovingly call my mental ashram. I like to describe myself as a “seeker.” I’m a student of the Deen (Islam), living in the West with my husband and two kids. I work part-time, and the rest of the time I’m on a quest to find peace and calm in my life—without compromising my core values. While the idea of a year-long solo journey of self-discovery sounds tempting (think Eat, Pray, Love), I know it’s not aligned with what matters most to me in this season of my life. So although Elizabeth Gilbert’s adventure sounds like a lot of fun and magical, I’ve more of a Gretchen Rubin vibe—if that makes sense!
I’ve a Masters degree in Economics and unsurprisingly for most of my adult life, I lived as though the monotonicity assumption—’more is better’—were true. In my subconscious mind, more money; a bigger house, and the next level in my career were the keys to a happier, more fulfilling life. Only recently I realised that this mindset, so ingrained in our daily lives not just in economics textbook, is often the root of many unnecessary worries and stress.
Before I got married I was an avid reader but lost the habit after marriage and kids. It’s very recently that I’ve picked up the habit again and I feel like I’ve found my lost self. I’m not a writer, not even close. But who says just because someone isn’t a writer they can’t write? So here I am!
I’m not going to claim this blog is an attempt to educate and enlighten you and if followed the tips and tricks diligently you will find the life you have always desired. On the contrary, I’ll strongly advise against following anyone’s blog, vlog, or life philosophy blindly. Instead, seek your own journey and follow the path you’ve carved for yourself.
This blog is my creative outlet; a place where I workout my thoughts and perspectives. Topics may include faith, mindset, parenthood, and daily struggles. I’m not going to focus on any particular niche as I present this blog as a holistic human. I don’t have any fancy qualification in literature nor do I claim myself a natural writer. So no ego attached! I don’t expect anyone to like or agree with what I write nor do I expect any one to read or follow my journey.
I do however hope that this blog will be a reminder that while there may be limits to what we can physically do, there are no limits to the depth and reach of our minds. Just because you are not the best public speaker doesn’t mean you lack a voice; just because you are a homemaker doesn’t mean you can’t be an artist at heart. I believe there is inspiration and wisdom to be found in every soul—past and present. My only expectation of you is to keep an open mind, think outside of the box, don’t be too quick to judge and don’t take yourself too seriously!
Lots of love
Mehnaz 🙂